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Board of Directors Meeting MinutesMeeting Minutes of the IESA Board of DirectorsJune 11, 2004 The regular summer meeting of the Board of Directors was held on June 11, 2004, at the IESA Office, Bloomington, Illinois. The meeting was called to order by President Spiezio at 10:05 a.m. The following members were present: Hochstatter, Spiezio, Irwin, Isackson, Silvey, Lewis, Birkey, Fitzanko, Cox, Ervin, Carr, & Graham. Also present were Steve Endsley and Julie Cochran from the IESA staff President Spiezio appointed Mr. Hochstatter, Mr. Irwin, and Mr. Graham to certify the tally of the recently-completed Board elections. Motion by Graham/Fitzanko to adopt the minutes of the April regular meeting. Carried. Mr. Graham presented the April 30 and May 31 Treasurer's report. Motion by Graham/Cox to approve the report and file for the auditor. Carried. Division Reports Division C--Mr. Spiezio informed the Board he was contacted by two schools in his division regarding problems at a Class A track and field sectional meet. Those concerns were given to the IESA administrative staff to review. He also had a list of recommendations for the track and field advisory committee to review. Division F--Ms. Isackson reported she had been contacted by a school in her division regarding the co-op renewal process. Since this item will be discussed in the By-Laws committee report, no action was taken. Division J--Mr. Fitzanko requested that the starting heights for the girls pole vault at the state meet be reviewed by the track and field advisory committee. Division N--Mr. Graham reported that there were some minor problems with the Class A track and field sectional his school attended. The problems were mainly due to final scoring and results. Assistant Executive Director's Report None Associate Executive Director's Report None Executive Director's Report Mr. Endsley presented several items to the Board. A request for a 10 day unpaid leave of absence was received from Nicole Schaefbauer. Mrs. Schaefbauer is currently on maternity leave. Motion by Cox/Silvey to approve the unpaid leave. Carried. Information was given to the Board regarding a problem that arose at the Class AA state track and field meet with the 4 x 100 relay. Motion by Hochstatter/Graham to send a letter to all schools involved in the relay to explain the situation. Carried. The American Sport Education Program (ASEP) has contacted the IESA to help provide coaching education to IESA member schools. Motion by Isackson/Graham to work with the ASEP program. Carried. A letter from the Chicago Hts. Washington District #170 superintendent asking the IESA to waive co-op fees for her district was discussed. Motion by Hochstatter/Silvey to deny the request. Carried. Veda Levin, President of Runs Deep, addressed the Board. She explained the possibilities that RunsDeep provides to schools that utilize the software program. President Spiezio recessed the meeting for lunch at 11:50 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 12:20 p.m. Old Business A recommendation to hire official/umpire evaluators for the IESA state finals that was tabled from the April meeting was discussed. Motion by Fitzanko/Carr to approve the hiring of two evaluators for the softball tournament only with each person receiving a $150 stipend and one night's lodging. Carried. A response that was received from Ford Hts. Cottage Grove concerning problems with a sectional basketball game they hosted was discussed. Motion by Hochstatter/Silvey to not assign Ford Hts. Cottage Grove any regional or sectional games for the 2004-05 school year. Carried. Discussion was held concerning the National Federation summer meeting that will be held in San Diego. New Business There were two additional state sites recommended. Motion by Isackson/Cox to award the 7A girls volleyball tournament to Wenona Fieldcrest East and the wrestling tournament to DeKalb Huntley (held at NIU). Board Committee Reports By-Laws--Mrs. Isackson presented the By-Laws committee report. The Executive Director was directed to contact the IESA attorney to determine the legality of establishing a date when transfer students would not be eligible to join the school team. Motion by Isackson/Hochstatter to delete By-Laws 4.0422, 4.0524, and 4.0622 which require schools to turn in schedules to the IESA Office prior to their first contest. Carried. Motion by Isackson/Lewis to add the following statement to the answer of situation #6 regarding By-Law 2.020 Responsibility of the Principal: "Such personnel shall be designated as detailed in By-Law 2.110" and to add the following statement to the answer of situation #8 regarding By-Law 2.020 Responsibility of the Principal: "In addition, if the coach is ejected from the contest and he or she is the only person responsible for the supervision of spectators, the contest would have to be forfeited as no one would be available to coach and/or supervise." Carried. Motion by Isackson/Irwin to change By-Laws 5.121 and 5.122 and the corresponding situations to the following: 5.121 "Any player ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level of competition, and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim, in addition to other penalties the IESA or school may assess" 5.122 "Any coach ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level of competition, and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim, in addition to other penalties the IESA or school may assess." Carried. Motion by Isackson/Irwin to delete the following sentence from By-Law 2.082: "Member schools may practice with the high school in the same district as the member school." Carried. Motion by Fitzanko/Carr to change the word "provided" to "stated" in By-Law 2.033 and to delete the last sentence of the By-Law. Carried. Motion by Isackson/ to change the wording on the IESA Pass Cards so they are only valid for IESA state series contests. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Silvey/Fitzanko, to change section 1.091 of the Constitution to eliminate the Art Committee Board Liasion and add a Cheerleading Committee liaison. Cheer committee would include six coaches and one administrator. Carried. Motion by Ervin/Graham to change section 1.092 of the Constitution so the sportsmanship advisory committee will include a member of the IESA Board of Directors and to change section 1.101 of the Constitution so the standing committees of the IESA Board are as follows (Numbers in parentheses indicate number of Board members serving on the stranding committees) By-Laws (4); Staff Relations (4); Finance (4) with the elimination of the Long Range Planning committee. Carried. Motion by Isackson/Fitzanko to remove the requirement that schools renewing cooperative agreements must receive conference or opponent approval if no changes have been made to the original agreement. Carried. Motion by Hochstatter/Lewis that due to 2003-04 private school enrollment figures not being available from the ISBE, to use the 2003-04 public school enrollment figures and the 2002-03 private school enrollment figures to determine classification IF the private school figures are not available when classification for activities is determined. Carried. Motion by Isackson/Fitzanko to limit officers of the Board of Directors to a three year term. Motion Defeated. Motion by Isackson/Hochstatter to change By-Law 4.0565 so it reads as follows: "Teams without contestants listed on a Regional Entry Form at the seeding meeting shall be disqualified from regional competition." Carried. Motion by Isackson/Lewis to change By-Law 3.041so it reads as follows: "A student becomes a member of the school team when he/she participates in a contest." Carried. Finance--Mr. Graham presented the Finance Committee recommendations. Motion by Graham/Cox To increase the tournament manager fee and hospitality approved expense for state activities to the following (current fees in parentheses):
Track & Field $200 ($100) Note: There is no maximum hospitality fee for track since the volunteers are fed. Carried. Motion by Graham/Isackson to approve a $100 fee to the announcer for the state track & field meet and $100 each for the two people who operate the video timing equipment. Carried. Motion by Graham/Hochstatter to accept the three year bid from Medal Craft for award medals and to charge $1.35 for the medals that the Association sells to member schools. Carried. Motion byGraham/Cox to allow placement of ads on the event pages of the state track and field programs. Carried. Motion by Ervin/Cox to pay the Treasurer in one payment in October rather than two payments because of the new accounting software. Carried. Motion by Fitzanko/Isackson to include $5000 in the FY05 budget for office equipment. Carried. Motion by Graham/Silvey to increase the adult admission price at the wrestling finals to $9.00. Carried. Motion by Graham/Lewis to increase the moderators pay at the sectional meet to $25 per match with no mileage allowance. Carried. Motion by Graham/Cox to allow a $75 meet manager fee on the track sectional financial forms. Carried. Staff Relations--Dr. Silvey presented the recommendations of the Staff Relations Committee. The recommendations as presented were voted on and approved. Advisory Reports and Recommendations Scholastic Bowl--Dr. Irwin presented the recommendations of the Scholastic Bowl advisory committee. Motion by Graham/Isackson to change By-Law 4.1564 as presented. Carried. Motion by Irwin/Silvey to approve changes to the Terms and Conditions as presented. Carried. Exec Director's Note: Please refer to the Activity Update that will be included in the August 1 mailing for detailed information. Cheerleading Mr. Endsley presented the recommendations of the Cheerleading advisory committee. Motion by Hochstatter/Isackson to add a Novice Division. Carried. Exec. Director's Note: This division would be judged but not rated and would be intended for those squads that want to perform at the IESA event but feel like they are not ready or simply do not want to compete against the squads that are there to be judged. Teams entering this Novice Division would still pay the $30 entry fee as is required by schools entering the other divisions. Motion by Hochstatter/Silvey for the IESA to contact a company that could videotape the performances at the state competition and sell the videotape on site. Carried. Motion by Silvey/Isackson to change the awards given to the winning squads from plaques to trophies. Carried. Motion by Isackson/ to give four team and individual awards in any competitive division that has eight or more schools entered and to give two team and individual awards in any competitive division that has less than eight teams entered. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Graham/Silvey to hold a cheerleading rules and safety clinic on Thursday, September 23. Carried. Motion by Silvey/Graham to utilize the services of Royal Publishing for the preparation of the program. Carried. The Board received copies of the financial reports for the music, volleyball, and wrestling activities. President Spiezio asked for a motion from one of the people he appointed to certify the tally of the Board election ballots. Motion by Graham/Silvey to certify the tally as presented. Carried. Mr. Fitzanko presented the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. Motion by Fitzanko/Isackson to accept the Nominating Report. Carried. Motion by Graham/Hochstatter to approve the expenses of the meeting. Carried. President Spiezio adjourned the regular meeting sine die. Mr. Endsley announced the election results and seated the re-elected members of the Board. Mr. Steve Lee (Division A), Mr. Joe Spiezio (Division C), Mr. John Link (Division E), Mr. Tom Cox, (Division K) and Mr. Ron Ervin (Division L) were seated. The Board of Directors was re-organized as presented by the Nominating Committee. Officers and Activity Liaison appointments for 2004-2005 are as follows: President: Joe Spiezio; Vice-President: Sue Silvey; Secretary/Treasurer: Ron Graham; Baseball: Gary Lewis; Softball: Jerry Birkey; Cross-Country: Ron Ervin; Cheerleading: Dana Isackson, Basketball: Craig Carr; Wrestling: Steve Lee; Volleyball: Tom Cox; Track & Field: Stan Fitzanko; Music: TBD; Speech: John Link; Scholastic Bowl: Jim Hochstatter, and Sportsmanship: Gary Lewis. Board Committees are as follows: Finance: Ron Graham, John Link, Jim Hochstatter, Tom Cox; By-Laws: Steve Lee, Dana Isackson, Ron Ervin, TBA; Staff Relations: Sue Silvey, Jerry Birkey, Craig Carr, Stan Fitzanko. After the new Board was seated, President Spiezio asked for a motion to ratify all previous legal affairs of the Association. Motion by Hochstatter/Isackson to ratify all previous legal affairs. Carried. New Business for Board Mr. Endsley read a resignation letter from Dr. Chuck Irwin, Division D representative. Motion by Hochstatter/Silvey to accept Dr. Irwin's resignation with regrets. Carried. President Spiezio will appoint an administrator from Division D to fill the last year of the term. There being no further business, motion by Cox/Silvey to adjourn the meeting. Carried. President Spiezio adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, |
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