Awards & Recognition

Division Sportsmanship Award

The IESA will honor schools nominated by their peers to receive the Division Sportsmanship Award. This IESA Division Sportsmanship Award recognizes outstanding behavior of a member school in each of the 15 IESA divisions. Schools are nominated by their peers in each Division in May of each school year. Each winner will receive an IESA Sportsmanship banner to hang in their school gym.

Criteria for the award: A school must be involved in at least 5 IESA activities, have no ejections or reports of unsportsmanlike conduct for the entire school in any activity (players, coaches, and/or fans) reported to the IESA office, and the school and community must exemplify all around good behavior indicative of good citizens and good sports. Ejection reports and reports of unsportsmanlike conduct submitted to the IESA office will only be accepted from a school administrator or an official working the contest being reported.

Division Sportsmanship Award
Division School
A Antioch
A Arlington Heights South
A Buffalo Grove Cooper
B Geneseo MS
C Lemont Old Quarry
D Lockport Kelvin Grove
E Pontiac St. Mary's
E Seneca
F Princeville
G Cissna Park
H Eureka
I Greenview
I Hartsburg-Emden
J Rushville Schuyler Industry
K Champaign Judah Christian
L Shelbyville Moulton
M Franklin
M Winchester
N Newton St. Thomas
N St. Elmo
O Staunton
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Illinois Elementary School Association
1015 Maple Hill Road, Bloomington, IL 61705
PH: 309-829-0114
FAX: 309-829-0625
Contents © 1999-2025 Illinois Elementary School Association

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