2023 Scholastic Bowl

2023 Class A Regional Champions/Sectional Matchups
Sectional A
@ Iroquois West Middle School     (Host Info)
Host: Onarga Iroquois West
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:30 PM
@ Iroquois West Middle School , 303 N. Evergreen St., Onarga   Map
Regional 1 Palatine Quest
Regional 2 Onarga Iroquois West
Regional 3 Elwood GS
Regional 4 Ottawa Wallace
Sectional B
@ Henry-Senachwine High School     (Host Info)
Host: Henry-Senachwine
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:30 PM
@ Henry-Senachwine High School , 1023 College Ave. Henry, IL 61537, Henry   Map
Sectional tournament will be at Henry-Senachwine High School NOT Henry Senachwine Grade and Jr. High
Regional 5 Mendota Holy Cross
Regional 6 Grand Ridge
Regional 7 Roanoke-Benson
Regional 8 Henry-Senachwine
Sectional C
@ St. Mary's School     (Host Info)
Host: Pontiac St. Mary's
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:00 PM
@ St. Mary's School , 414 N Main St, Pontiac   Map
Regional 9 Fisher
Regional 10 Piper City Tri-Point
Regional 11 Normal Metcalf
Regional 12 Morton Blessed Sacrament
Sectional D
@ Pleasant Hill Elementary     (Host Info)
Host: Peoria Pleasant Hill
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:30 PM
@ Pleasant Hill Elementary , 3717 W Malone, Peoria   Map
Doors open at 4:00 p.m. with matches beginning at 4:30
Regional 13 Spring Bay Riverview
Regional 14 Peoria Concordia
Regional 15 Bartonville Monroe
Regional 16 Canceled
Sectional E
@ Brimfield Grade School     (Host Info)
Host: Brimfield
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:30 PM
@ Brimfield Grade School , 216 E. Clinton Street, Brimfield   Map
Regional 17 Elmwood
Regional 18 Mason City Illini Central
Regional 19 Carthage
Regional 20 Virginia
Sectional F
@ Central A&M Middle School     (Host Info)
Host: Assumption Central A & M
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:00 PM
@ Central A&M Middle School , 404 Colegrove Street, Assumption   Map
Regional 21 Royal Prairieview Ogden
Regional 22 Champaign Next Generation
Regional 23 Cerro Gordo
Regional 24 Assumption Central A & M
Sectional G
@ Nokomis Jr. High     (Host Info)
Host: Nokomis JHS
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:00 PM
@ Nokomis Jr. High , 511 Oberle St, Nokomis   Map
Regional 25 Mt. Pulaski Zion
Regional 26 Springfield Christian
Regional 27 Raymond Lincolnwood
Regional 28 Waverly
Sectional H
@ Paris Crestwood Junior High     (Host Info)
Host: Paris Crestwood
Monday, May 1, 2023,  4:00 PM
@ Paris Crestwood Junior High , 15601 US Hwy 150, Paris   Map
Regional 29 Sidell Salt Fork
Regional 30 Palestine
Regional 31 Neoga
Regional 32 Columbia ICS

Class History

From 1989 to 1996 there was one class of Scholastic Bowl, which was split equally into Class A and Class AA by school size in 1997, our present classes.

How Class Split is Determined

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