Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes of the IESA Board of Directors

June 8, 2001

The regular summer meeting of the Board of Directors was held on June 8, 2001, at the IESA Office, Bloomington, Illinois.

The meeting was called to order by President Link at 10:05 a.m. The following members were present: Lee, Hochstatter, Spiezio, Vaughan, Link, Isackson, Silvey, Lindsey, Birkey (10:15 a.m.), Reising, Cox, Mulligan, Schmitz, & Graham. Also present was Steve Endsley from the IESA staff.

President Link appointed Mr. Graham, Mr. Schmitz, and Dr. Silvey to certify the tally of the recently-completed Board elections. He distributed thank you cards from the IPA and from Brad Lucey.

Motion by Isackson/Lee to adopt the minutes of the April regular meeting. Carried.

Mr. Reising presented the Treasurer's report. Motion by Schmitz/Hochstatter to approve the report and file for the auditor. Carried.

Division Reports

Division L--Mr. Mulligan reported he had been contacted on the change in the tryout/practice date of boys basketball. No action was taken.

There were no other Division reports.

Assistant Executive Director's Report

Mrs. Schaefbauer presented a written report to the Board. She reported on the progress of the ad-hoc committee that is discussing classification and the number of teams that advance to the IESA finals. The committee met in May and has three additional meetings scheduled. A proposal to start a Scholastic Bowl Coaches Association was discussed without any formal action being taken.

Executive Director's Report


Old Business

Motion by Lindsey/Silvey to approve the following schools as hosts for 2001-2002 state activities: Normal Metcalf (Scholastic Bowl); Decatur Stephen Decatur (8AA Girls Basketball); Mt. Pulaski (8A Girls Volleyball); Mahomet-Seymour (7AA Girls Volleyball). Carried.

Motion by Graham/Isackson to approve an IESA sanctioned cheerleading competition on December 15, 2001 to be held at the Civic Center in Peoria, IL. Carried. Ex. Director's Note: Additional information regarding this competition will be mailed to all schools.

Motion by Reising/Isackson to set the starting time for baseball sectionals at 1:00 p.m. Carried.

New Business

Mr. Endsley announced that Julie Cochran was selected as the new Assistant Executive Director. Motion by Graham/Silvey to hire Julie Cochran and set salary terms. Carried.

The Board received a proposal from Craig Johnson to work on a part-time basis as a technology coordinator. Motion by Graham/Lee to accept the proposal from Mr. Johnson. Carried.

Board Committee Reports

By-Laws-- Mr. Lee presented the By-Laws committee report. Motion by Hochstatter/Spiezio to add the following sentence to By-Law 3.113: " In addition to the governing boards approving the formation of the cooperative team, written approval from the conference(s) of which the cooperating schools are members, and/or in which the cooperative team will participate, or, in the event that the cooperative team will not be affiliated in a conference, written approval from a minimum of five schools included in the cooperative team's schedule of competition must be secured." Carried. Ex. Director's Note: This will apply to all new cooperative teams that are formed after July, 1, 2001 and to all cooperative teams that re-new their agreements for the 2002-2003 school year.

Motion by Spiezio/Cox, effective July 1, 2002, to add to the Season Limitation section under each sport in Division 4 of the By-Laws the following statement: "Only schools which have an established school team which has engaged in at least three (3) interscholastic contests prior to the regional seeding meeting in that sport during the current season may participate in team competition in Association-sponsored meets or tournaments." Carried. Ex. Director's Note: With this being approved, the sentence in the Seeding Procedures which says that a 0-0 team can never be seeded higher than any team with a record will be deleted.

Motion by Lee/Schmitz to change By-Law 3.021 so the figures reported to the State Board of Education on the Fall Housing Report are used to determine a schools 7-8 enrollment and not the figures supplied by the school. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Lee, Schmitz, Hochstatter, Vaughan, Isackson, Lindsey, Birkey, Cox, Link. Nayes: Graham, Spiezio, Silvey, Mulligan. Pass: Reising Motion Carried.

President Link recessed the meeting for lunch at 12 noon and re-convened the meeting at 12:40 p.m.

Finance-- Mr. Reising presented the Finance Committee recommendations. Motion by Reising/Lindsey to accept the bid from Ulrich Motors, Washburn, IL for the purchase of 2001 Venture van at a cost of $21,320.00. Carried.

Motion by Reising/Lindsey to purchase a new folding machine from CDS Office Technologies at a cost of $2,095.00. Carried.

Motion by Reising/Cox to change By-Law 5.0606 so the meet referee at the state track meet is paid $240.00. Carried.

Motion by Reising/Schmitz to change By-Law 5.0611 so all scholastic bowl moderators and art workshop instructors are paid mileage at the rate of 25 cents per mile. Carried.

Motion by Reising/Cox to accept the bid from Stewart Contractors, Bloomington, IL to repair and replace the concrete approach and driveway at a cost of $11,300.00. Carried.

Staff Relations-- Motion by Birkey/Spiezio to approve the administrative staff employment agreements. Carried.

Advisory Committee Reports

Music-- Mr. Mulligan presented the recommendations of the Music Advisory Committee. Motion by Mulligan/Schmitz to change By-Law 4.1041 so no recording of any kind may be used for an accompaniment or if the accompaniment is not provided as called for in the score, the final rating shall be lowered one division. Carried.

Motion by Mulligan/Graham to continue to provide a plaque to pep bands selected to perform at IESA state tournaments. Carried.

Motion by Mulligan/Schmitz to approve the fees necessary for IESA to exhibit at the IMEA All-State Conference in January, 2002. Carried.

Scholastic Bowl-- Mr. Lindsey presented the recommendations of the Scholastic Bowl Advisory Committee. Motion by Lindsey/Reising to require a 30-second time limit for only those toss-up questions involving advanced computation. Carried.

Motion by Lindsey/Birkey to change the last sentence of By-Law 4.1543 so the rebounding team will have the remaining time or three seconds, whichever is greater. Carried.

Track & Field-- Mr. Graham presented the recommendations of the Track & Field advisory committee. Motion by Graham/Spiezio to hold both the 7th grade and 8th grade boys pole vault for Class A on Friday of the state meet. Carried.

Motion by Graham/Schmitz to increase the number of sectionals from 16 to 17 for each class. Carried.

A recommendation to add the triple jump as a state series event beginning in 2003 was tabled. A survey will be conducted with this past year's hosts to determine if their facility has more than one long/triple jump runway.

Motion by Graham/Reising to not allow jewelry to be worn. Carried.

A motion to not allow a third place contestant to advance to the finals if a first or second place qualifier scratches died for the lack of a second.

President Link asked for a motion from one of the people he appointed to certify the tally of the Board election ballots. Motion by Schmitz/Silvey to certify the tally as presented. Carried.

Mr. Spiezio presented the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. Motion by Spiezio/Lindsey to accept the Nominating Report. Carried.

Motion by Reising/Schmitz to approve the expenses of the meeting. Carried.

Motion by Lindsey/Mulligan to adjourn the regular meeting sine die. Carried.

Mr. Endsley announced the election results and seated the re-elected members of the Board. Mr. Lee (Division A), Mr. Spiezio (Division C), Mr. Link (Division E), Mr. Cox (Division K), and Mr. Mulligan (Division L) were all re-elected.

The Board of Directors was re-organized as presented by the Nominating Committee. Officers and Activity Liaison appointments for 2001-2002 are as follows: President: John Link; Vice-President: Joe Spiezio; Secretary/Treasurer: Bill Reising; Art: Mike Schmitz; Baseball: Jim Hochstatter; Softball: Dan Vaughan; Cross-Country: Sue Silvey; Basketball: Jerry Birkey; Wrestling: Steve Lee; Volleyball: Tom Cox; Track & Field: Ron Graham; Music: Tom Mulligan; Speech: Dana Isackson; and Scholastic Bowl: Earl Lindsey. Board Committees are as follows: Finance: Bill Reising, Joe Spiezio, Ron Graham; By-Laws: Steve Lee, Dana Isackson, Dan Vaughan; Staff Relations: Sue Silvey, Jerry Birkey, Tom Mulligan; Long-Range Planning: Jim Hochstatter, Tom Cox, Earl Lindsey, Mike Schmitz.

Motion by Schmitz/Reising to ratify all previous legal affairs of the Association. Carried.

New Business for New Board


There being no additional new business, motion by Schmitz/Cox to adjourn. Carried. President Link adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.

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